As we look back at the 2016-17 school year, we are humbled and amazed by the work God invited us to complete. Three words summarize our year: progress, provision, and preparation.


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The Prodigy Building

Classroom space at our first school campus in Haiti tripled. The Prodigy Building you funded now towers over our first building and represents a new wave of change that is coming to our students and the community we serve.

We are developing a leadership pipeline in order to prepare for future growth. Our management team in Haiti participated in quarterly workshops designed to develop healthy culture and new competencies.

We are developing a leadership pipeline in order to prepare for future growth. Our management team in Haiti participated in quarterly workshops designed to develop healthy culture and new competencies.

Our Board of Directors invited five new members onto the team. We now have a group with more diverse backgrounds, geographic locations, and professional experiences.

Our Board of Directors invited five new members onto the team. We now have a group with more diverse backgrounds, geographic locations, and professional experiences.


Our fundraising goal was $210,000, but God had something else in mind. 265 donors invested $288,330 into our work. That equates to 60% growth over the previous fiscal year. Talk about exceeding expectations! Thanks to your generosity, hope will multiply this school year as we purchase land for our second school in Haiti.


Income: $288,330.47

Expense: $280,692.33

Every dollar and hour invested tells a story of transformation


Student of the Year

Last year, Evensky was enrolled in our second grade class after a year of participating in our work study program. As a student, God provided him with the tutoring and motivation he needed to catch up to his classmates and be one of the most likable and improved students of the year.


Staff Member of the Year

God provided our administrative office with Yvrose, who has a passion for organization and a heart that beats passionately for our students. Since she’s joined our staff, the culture and atmosphere of our front office has become an even more welcoming place for students.


Volunteer of the Year

Blake generously invested time and resource to go on three serving trips throughout the year to oversee construction of the Prodigy Building. Because of the leadership God provided through Blake, our students are now using this brand new space.


While we celebrate the completion of the Prodigy Building, the true celebration will come as we witness the life-change and transformation that will happen within its walls.

During the 2017-18 school year, our influence is growing in the following ways:

22 community members are employed at our school. We're investing deeper into their development by providing tuition assistance to anyone pursuing further education. We are also providing monthly leadership training to our management team.

22 community members are employed at our school. We're investing deeper into their development by providing tuition assistance to anyone pursuing further education. We are also providing monthly leadership training to our management team.

Students are receiving new opportunities to discover their uniqueness. With the new space the Prodigy Building created, students are now able to participate in fine arts classes and after school programming. Our library will also open this school ye…

Students are receiving new opportunities to discover their uniqueness. With the new space the Prodigy Building created, students are now able to participate in fine arts classes and after school programming. Our library will also open this school year once furnished!

Purchasing land and breaking ground on a new campus in Haiti. We have identified a new region to operate in and we are currently searching for the right location to buy land and begin construction. 

Purchasing land and breaking ground on a new campus in Haiti. We have identified a new region to operate in and we are currently searching for the right location to buy land and begin construction.

Discerning opportunities for influence among unreached people groups. Curtis and a team of volunteers are taking an exploratory trip to Cambodia in order to learn and assess opportunities for new influence.

Discerning opportunities for influence among unreached people groups. Curtis and a team of volunteers are taking an exploratory trip to Cambodia in order to learn and assess opportunities for new influence.


151 Students


We're serving 126 primary and kindergarten students, 9 work study students, and 16 adults through our literacy program.

Thank you to our partners, donors, prayer warriors, and volunteers. Without you, hope through education doesn't happen!

Check out last year's annual report here.